Partnership Opportunities Labourers together in God’s harvest field.

Giving hope through the Gospel, and growth through Bible study

Supplying Emmaus Bible study courses to prisoners in Australia is a most fruitful ministry. Each year, nearly 4,500 courses are already distributed to inmates in Australian prisons and request are being made by other prisons to be included in the program, many prisoners are receiving Christ and experiencing only the forgiveness and peace that God can give, while many other prisoners are being discipled as they continue the studies. Prisoners receive all their courses, including marking and postage at no cost to them. While the ministry is expanding each year, it continues only through the kind support of fellow Christians.

gallery/prison pics

We would encourage you to consider financialy supporting this vital work.

To provide financial support:


our Bank Details are: 

Account Name: ECS Ministries Queensland Inc

BSB: 638 060 Account: 13988166

Please write “Gift” for the reference

By Credit Card over Phone

For assistance, or to give a gift by phone, call: 07 4635 7227

Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

By Mail

To send a gift by mail:

ECS MinistriesPO Box 3430 Toowoomba Queensland, Australia, 4350

By Paypal or Credit Card

To Send a gift via Paypal click on the Button.

Please send an email to: to request a receipt.

All gifts to ECS Ministries are subjected to auditing in compliance with Australian law and the Associations Incorporation Act