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Our story is Emmaus. Our impact is worldwide. We are Emmaus Worldwide.
Emmaus Worldwide exists to glorify God by providing biblically-sound resources and structured study materials for the purpose of teaching people from every nation to know Jesus Christ as Savior and to live in a way that is consistent with God’s Word.
Emmaus Worldwide’s vision is to see hearts and lives transformed for Christ through the study of God’s word.
This is accomplished by the two main branches of Emmaus Worldwide: Emmaus Correspondence School and Books & Resources
Our courses are available in the following languages
Generally, courses are only available in the country in which they are printed.
In parentheses () is the approximate number of Course titles available in that language. This list is subject to change without notice.
[AMH] Amharic (26) [ARA] Arabic (33) [ASM] Assamese (6) [BEM] Bemba (24) [BEN] Bengali (13) [BUL] Bulgarian (9) [BUR] Burmese (13) [CEB] Cebuano (5) [NYA] Chichewa (8) [CHI] Chinese simplified (18) [CHI] Cantonese (25) [???] Chowke (5) [SCR] Croatian (9) [CES] Czech (14) [DAN] Danish (4) [SSA] Dhu Alur (15) [DUT] Dutch (27) [ENG] English (100) [FAO] Faroese (17) [FAS] Farsi (1) [FRE] French (26) [GER] German (20) [GRC] Greek (4) [GUJ] Gujarati (7) | [HEB] Hebrew (6) [HIN] Hindi (10) [HO] Ho (1) [HUN] Hungarian (8) [KIN] Ikinyarwanda (34) [ILO] Ilocano (6) [IND] Indonesian (7) [NBL] Isindebele (3) [ITA] Italian (14) [JPN] Japanese (11) [KAN] Kannada (10) [RUN] Kirundi (10) [KTU] Kituba (1) [KOR] Korean (35) [LIN] Lingala (18) [LUG] Luganda (6) [LUN] Lunda (13) [LUE] Luvale (9) [MAL] Malayalam (5) [MAR] Marathi (5) [MON] Mongolian (1) [NEP] Nepali (8) [NOR] Norwegian (8) [ORI] Oriya (9) | [ORO] Oromitta (9) [POR] Portuguese (29) [PAN] Punjabi (3) [RON] Romanian (9) [RUS] Russian (26) [SAG] Sango (7) [SR ] Serbian (5) [SNA] Shona (11) [SIN] Sinhala (18) [SLO] Slowenia (8) [SOM] Somali (3) [SPA] Spanish (50) [SWA] Swahili (9) [TGL] Tagalog (22) [TAM] Tamil (18) [TED] Tedin Chin (9) [TEL] Telugu (22) [THA] Thai (32) [TUR] Turkish (4) [UKR] Ukrainian (12) [URD] Urdu (1) [VIE] Vietnamese (37) [XHO] Xhosa (10) [ZUL] Zulu (12) |