Emmaus Bible Correspondence School Courses

Free Emmaus Bible Correspondence Course

To receive a free copy of the course “What the Bible Teaches” please use the coupon UMTAR75D when you checkout. Please note that this offer is only available in Australia and one per person.

General Information about Courses

The main aim of the Emmaus courses is to encourage the study of the Bible. They are written in such a way as to personally enrich your study of the Scriptures. They do this by giving you an excellent grounding in the Bible and are eminently suitable to prepare you for further theological studies. To enrol, simply place an order of any value as this will provide us with your contact details, and start discovering what the Bible teaches.

How to Order

Please go our Bookshop and order the courses you would like to study from the various sub – categories listed under “Correspondence Courses”. You are able to choose from more than 120 subjects available, all at a very affordable price. If you prefer one of our catalogues to peruse at your own leisure, please email us and we’ll be happy to forward one to you.

About the Courses

  • Each year around the world the various local offices of the Emmaus Correspondence School supply over 1.4 million courses in over 80 languages and in more than 100 countries. 
  • The courses are thoroughly biblical and evangelical. 
  • There is flexibility for students to arrange their own study times at home.
  • The Emmaus Correspondence School has developed a curriculum of sixty-two Bible courses called ‘EQUIP’. This program provides an excellent introduction to the Bible, and will lead the student one step at a time through basic Christian teaching. For more information, click here.


  • An Exam Booklet comes with each course study book. 
  • Each exam booklet contains approximately 120 multiple choice questions which are transferred by the students to a single page exam sheet that also includes some ‘Write It Out’ questions. 
  • Included in most exams are a number of ‘WHAT DO YOU SAY?’ questions that allow students to review what they have learned in each chapter.

Course Marking

  • On completion of the study, return the single page exam sheet to the Emmaus office in Queensland. 
  • Tutors mark lessons, give personal instruction and endeavour to answer any questions the student may have. 


  • Course Certificates: an achievement certificate is issued for the completion of each study where a minimum grade of 70% is attained.
  • These Certificates are non-certified and are designed to recognise achievement and encourage the student.
  • The Emmaus courses do have a ‘unit of study’, because in some countries, they are recognised as suitable study material to achieve formal recognition of higher learning by Theological Colleges. However, the accreditation process in Australia does not allow us to provide this sort of formal recognition, and as such, the credit values attributed to each course have no value other than for the student’s interest.